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Apple Siri Recognize Indian Accent

Apple Siri Recognize Indian Accent

If you are an iPhone user with iPhone 4s or higher, you have the Virtual Assistant Siri which is so popular that I bought iPhone just for Siri. Am not obsessed, am just AI lover. Many Indian iPhone users have a problem with the Siri. They often hate Siri just because the Siri can’t understand the way Indian talk. To be more specific, the Accent. As the Siri has been developed in United States, it only recognize the US accent. Not only Indians, even people around the world are having the same problems. So there is a good news for Siri lovers.Apple Siri to Recognize Indian Accent.

Apple Siri to Recognize Indian Accent

Now the Siri will be able to recognize the Indian Accent and many more. The upcoming iOS 8.3 update will focus on making Siri understandable to Indian accent, in a better way. Siri will now support languages like Russian, Danish, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish, Thai and Turkish. Now Google is also able to understand the Indian accent. Microsoft has already taken initiative with Cortana. So it’s a time for Apple to come up with something for Siri as it’s the First one of his kind.
Now Siri will not be only available for the People of US, or people having US accent. Apple is considered to be developing iOS 8.2 for release in March and iOS 9 will also be released in this year. There are no signs that Siri to understand Hindi. But Google has introduced voice search last year.

Its up to Apple Now:

Now it is up to the Apple, what will be the next step to lure the Indian iPhone market. We all have to just wait and see, will the Siri be effective as same as for other accents or it will make thing worse.
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