It’s often said that when you choose a niche for a new blog, you should pick something that you could talk about all day without getting bored. Even if you’re passionate about the subject of your blog, however, you’ll find that you need creative inspiration to help you develop new topics every week. How can you make sure you have a truly inexhaustible supply of ideas?
Caring deeply about your topic is an important first step, but there are also techniques you can use to help you find more topics whenever you need them. Once you start using these, you’ll find that every day can offer you a wellspring of great blog ideas.
Let’s look at some of the ways you can come up with compelling blog topics quickly and easily:
1) Immerse Yourself In Your Topic Whenever you Can
When your blog is in a niche that excites you, writing a blog post should feel like giving an exciting report from the field. Whether your blog is about drawing, photography, cooking or anything else, make sure the responsibility of having a blog doesn’t stop you from spending ample time practicing. Topics will arise naturally from your experience and will have a more authentic feel that your audience will respond to.
2) Read the Latest Books About Your Subject
As a blogger, one of the best ways to develop new topics is to find out what others are doing. Bloggers are trendsetters and tastemakers who help their readers make sense of all the latest information around. Make sure you pick up the latest books in your field, including those by academic researchers and other “traditional” experts. Even if you don’t discover anything new, you can turn each book into a review post for your blog.
3) Keep A Notebook of Ideas Close By
Since topic ideas can strike at any time, it’s a good idea to have some way of keeping your ideas in order. A small reporter’s pad is probably the most convenient way. You can also use a full-sized composition book if your ideas tend to be longer. Write down your idea, the time of day and what you were doing when you had your latest stroke of inspiration. This will help you get a better idea of when you might have a tendency to have your best ideas.
4) Give Yourself Time Away From Your Topic
Even something you love can lead to feelings of exhaustion and burnout if you don’t give yourself time to recharge. While staying away from your topic might seem to clash with the first suggestion above, it is actually a good way to recharge your batteries and encourage new ideas. If you feel stressed, take two or three days to completely “cleanse” and focus on other topics. New thoughts will often occur when you stop trying so hard!
5) On “Slow” Days, Try Short, Educational Posts
No matter what your niche might be, odds are good you know certain things well enough to explain them in detail. Likewise, it’s a good bet that someone out there will find your wisdom valuable. When you are “tapped” on ideas, list the things you know how to do and choose one to explain in your next post. Whether you choose something basic or advanced, you will be serving part of your audience and helping them get involved.
6) Get Involved in Conversations
Even if your blog doesn’t have comments, you probably know several other blogs on your subject that do. You can help elevate the conversation by making thoughtful, incisive comments on other blogs. Not only can this help inspire great new ideas; in many cases, you could drive some traffic to your own blog if your comments are valuable. Of course, that shouldn’t be your only reason for posting comments — “spammy” comments could get you banned.
7) Ask Your Readers for Topics
You should get a lot of personal satisfaction from writing a good blog, but don’t forget that your audience is the other half of the equation. Keep in contact with your readers and always be asking what they are interested in. Even if you can’t get around to their ideas right away, you’ll soon find you have a list of topics you can delve into at any time. Plus, readers will appreciate knowing that they can come to you for expert advice.
8) Revisit Your Old Topics and Update Them
You can double the number of topics you have for your blog just by reading your old work! Seriously! Posts that are older than a year may well be in need of updating — but these older posts are likely to have more search engine “pull” than your newer ones. Review your old posts for topics, then add a link to your new post to each older one as you return to them. This will drive more traffic to your newer posts and refresh your ideas.
9) Check Out the Latest Products In Your Field
Even buying a single new product that has to do with your niche can give you a dozen blog topics. Whenever you get a new product, you can easily update your blog with a “teaser” letting your readers know they should stay tuned for more information. After that? A review can be broken into several posts as you get more familiar with your item. Video demonstrations or posts on how to get the most from the product can lead to a whole series.
10) React to the Latest News When it Happens
All bloggers should have access to a good site that aggregates the latest news in their topic. Not all your posts need to be totally focused on objective facts: Your opinion is also valuable. When news breaks in your field, you should feel free to chime in if you feel you have something useful to add. A single week of news headlines can offer you dozens of topics, giving you the chance to pick the best ones for your posts.
11) Diversify Your Writings to Get More Ideas
Even if blogging is your main focus, you can develop ideas by looking at different ways to express yourself. For example, if you choose one of your older blog topics and expand it into a short e-book, you’ll notice dozens of related topics you can write about. Plus, you could increase the exposure of your blog by making your longer writings available on established websites.
Conclusion: Mastering Topic Selection Will Make Your Blog Better
When you own a blog, it’s essential to choose meaningful topics that resonate with your readers. Keep the creative juices flowing by taking inspiration for your posts from wherever you can find it. Pretty soon, you’ll develop a knack for knowing which topics are the most sought-after by your readers — and which ones will help you bring something special to the discussion. Whether you’re a hobbyist or an aspiring pro blogger, this is critical to your success!
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