Speed up your website
We all know that wordpress is one of the best CMS and we are using wordpress to manage our blogs and websites. Managing website or blog in wordpress can some time slow down your site because of many reasons. Some of them we have shared in this article and ways to speed up website. A slow website can affect your business sales and website ranking in search results. Also increase the bounce rate on your website. Every visitor, who comes to your website, wants to load website faster. Otherwise visitor go back to search result.
For a wordpress website, loading time under 2 seconds is excellent, under 4 seconds is acceptable but above 5 seconds will affects your Google search results position
.You can check your website’s loading time or speed online on
Pingdom site speed checker tool
. If website’s loading time is higher, don’t worry. We have shared “4 simplest ways to speed up your wordpress website
”. Try these steps to increase website loading time. And make your website faster. Steps to make website faster
Use cache wordpress plugins
Using wordpress plugin to speed up website is an easy way. You can
increase website speed by using cache wordpress plugins
. There are many cache plugins available onwordpress.org
. I will recommend W3 Total Cache
and WP Super Cache
these will do the trick for you.Reduce images size
large images on website can slowdown website load time
. Large images take more time to load and force visitors to wait until images load fully. Many visitors don’t wait and go back from your website. To avoid this use images with small size and if you still wants to use large images with same quality. Then use Yahoo’s Smushit tool
to reduce images size without reducing image quality. Reduce images size on this tool before uploading to wordpress. Or you can use this WP Smushit plugin
for reducing images size. This plugin will automatically reduce image size when you upload a new image to your website
.Mange your wordpress database
You can use wordpress
WP Optimize plugin
to manage your website database. This plugin automatically do job. You need to just install and activate it in your wordpress website database. Plugin manage your spam, post revisions, drafts, tables etc
of your data base and remove unwanted stuff from database. WP optimize is an extensive wordpress cleanup and optimization plugin.Remove unused plugins
WordPress is all about plugins. But if you have installed too many plugins and those plugins aren’t in use, these plugins can slow down your wordpress website. Most plugins create extra files to load and process, which increase website’s loading time.
Remove all unused plugins
from your wordpress and increase your website speed.Optimizing your wordpress is important to make your website faster. Use above mentioned steps to speed up your website. Hope these steps will help you to make website faster. Don’t forget to give your feedback in comments below. Have fun & Keep smiling
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